WebSocket API

Base URL

mainnet: wss://ws.api3.loopring.io/v3/ws

testnet(goerli): wss://ws.uat2.loopring.io/v3/ws

Before Subscription

Before subscription, user needs to get a connect key, otherwise, websocket connection will be refused. The full connection steps are listed below:

  1. Get wsApiKey by access REST path "/v3/ws/key", and you will get response like {"key":"fx2xW5hoVFbcaanWS"}
  2. Use fx2xW5hoVFbcaanWS as a wsApiKey param in ws path, i.e., wss://ws.uat2.loopring.io/v3/ws?wsApiKey=fx2xW5hoVFbcaanWS.


Clients can send JSON to subscribe to multiple topics:

  "op": "sub",
  "sequence": 10000,
  "apiKey": ".....",
  "unsubscribeAll": true,
  "topics": [
      "topic": "account"
      "topic": "order",
      "market": "LRC-ETH"
      "topic": "order",
      "market": "LRC-USDT"
      "topic": "orderbook",
      "market": "LRC-ETH",
      "level": 0
      "topic": "orderbook",
      "market": "LRC-USDT",
      "level": 0,
      "count": 20,
      "snapshot": true
      "topic": "ammpool",
      "poolAddress": "0x18920d6E6Fb7EbE057a4DD9260D6D95845c95036",
      "snapshot": true
  1. In one subscription request, if at least one topic requires the ApiKey, then the apiKey filed is required;
  2. In one subscription request, the same topic configuration can only occur once;
  3. In one subscription request, if there are any configuration errors, the entire subscription request fails;
  4. If unsubscribeAll is true, all previous subscriptions will be cancelled;
  5. If sequence is provided, the relayer will use the same sequence number in its response.


Clients can send JSON to unsubscribe from multiple topics:

    "sequence": 10000,
    "apiKey": ".....",
    "unsubscribeAll": false,
    "topics": [
            "topic": "account",
            "topic": "order",
            "market": "LRC-ETH"
            "topic": "order",
            "market": "LRC-USDT"
            "topic": "orderbook",
  1. In one unsubscription request, if at least one topic requires the ApiKey, then the apiKey filed is required;
  2. In one unsubscription request, the same topic configuration can only occur once;
  3. In one unsubscription request, if there are any configuration errors, the entire unsubscription request fails;
  4. If the top-level unsubscribeAll is true, all previous subscriptions will be cancelled; if the per-topic unsubscribeAll is true, then all subscriptions to that topic will be cancelled;
  5. If sequence is provided, the relayer will use the same sequence number in its response.
  6. Subscribe up to 20 topics in total.


After a WebSocket connection is established, the relay will send a "ping" message to the client for heartbeat detection every 30 seconds. If the client does not reply with a "pong" message within 2 minutes, the relay will disconnect. If the number of "pong" messages exceeds the number of "ping" messages, the relay will also disconnect.


Field Type Required Note
op string Y "sub" or "unSub"
sequence integer N A client-side sequence number
topics JSON Y Topics and their configurations
result Result Y Subscription result


Field Type Required Note
status string Y Status code
error Error N Error


Field Type Required Note
code integer Y Value
message string Y Error message

Status code

Value Note
104100 Topic missing
104101 Invalid op code
104102 Invalid topic
104103 Duplicate topic configs
104104 Missing ApiKey
104105 ApiKey mismatched
104112 Invalid ApiKey
104113 Subscription not found
104114 Invalid ApiKey (user not found)
104115 Invalid topic config
104116 exceed maximum subscriptions


A successful subscription:

  "op": "sub",
  "sequence": 10000,
  "topics": [
      "topic": "orderbook",
      "market": "LRC-ETH",
      "level": 0
  "result": {
    "status": "ok"

A failed subscription:

  "op": "sub",
  "sequence": 10000,
  "topics": [
      "topic": "candlestick",
      "market": "LRC-ETH",
      "count": 10
  "result": {
    "status": "failed",
    "error": {
      "code": 104106,
      "message": "receive illegal arg for candlestick:lrc-eth"

Another failed subscription:

    "op": "sub",
    "topics": [],
    "result": {
        "status": "failed",
        "error": {
            "code": 104115,
            "message": "unexpected msg:xxx"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""