Query user place order fee rate
Rate limit: every seconds
API Overview
HTTP method
Returns the fee rate of users placing orders in specific markets
API description
HTTP Header
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
X-API-KEY | string | Y | ApiKey | "HlkcGxbqBeaF76j4rvPaOasyfPwnkQ 6B6DQ6THZWbvrAGxzEdulXQvOKLrRW ZLnN" |
Request parameters
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
accountId | integer | Y | Account ID | 1 |
nftTokenAddress | string | Y | NFT token address of order | "0xf7c9323511 86c3a9053f31 3eefa16209c0 18f7f1dba8aa 8ca7100400f7 c31085" |
quoteToken | integer | Y | the quote token of the NFT-Quote market | 0 |
quoteAmount | string | Y | request.getUserFeeRates.quoteAmount | "100000000000 00000" |
Request example
GET https://api3.loopring.io/api/v3/user/nft/orderFee?accountId=1&nftTokenAddress=0xf7c932351186c3a9053f313eefa16209c018f7f1dba8aa8ca7100400f7c31085"eToken=0"eAmount=10000000000000000 HTTP/1.1
Host: api3.loopring.io
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: zh,en;q=0.9
X-API-KEY: sra1aavfa
curl -H "X-API-KEY:sra1aavfa" https://api3.loopring.io/api/v3/user/nft/orderFee\?accountId\=1\&nftTokenAddress\=0xf7c932351186c3a9053f313eefa16209c018f7f1dba8aa8ca7100400f7c31085\"eToken\=0\"eAmount\=10000000000000000
Response fields
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
feeRate | NftFee Rate |
N | field.GetUserNftFeeRatesResponse.feeRate | "{nftTokenAdd ress: 0x123456ABCD , rate: 50}" |
gasPrice | string | N | field.GetUserNftFeeRatesResponse.gasPrice | "10000000000" |
Response example
"feeRate" : {
"nftTokenAddress" : "0xbbbbca6a901c926f240b89eacb641d8aec7aeafd",
"rate" : 20
"gasPrice" : "10000000000"
Status code
Value | Description |
100000 | Unknown error |
The data structure of user query market fee rate
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
nftTokenAddress | string | Y | field.NftFeeRate.nftTokenAddress | "0xbbbbca6a90 1c926f240b89 eacb641d8aec 7aeafd" |
rate | integer | Y | field.NftFeeRate.rate | 20 |