Update user's ApiKey
Rate limit: 5 every second
API Overview
HTTP method
Change the ApiKey associated with the user's account. The current ApiKey must be provided as the value of the X-API-KEY HTTP header.
API description
HTTP Header
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
X-API-KEY | string | Y | ApiKey | "HlkcGxbqBeaF76j4rvPaOasyfPwnkQ 6B6DQ6THZWbvrAGxzEdulXQvOKLrRW ZLnN" |
X-API-SIG | string | Y | EDDSA Signature | "0xeb14773e8a07d19bc4fe56e36d041dcb 0026bf21e05c7652f7e92160deaf5ea9 c4fe56e34773e86d041dcbeb1a07d19b 002652f7e92160deaf5e6bf21e05c7a9 002652f7e92160deaf5e6bf21e05c7a9 eb14773e8a07d19bc4fe56e36d041dcb" |
Request parameters
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
accountId | integer | Y | AccountID | 1 |
Request example
POST https://api3.loopring.io/api/v3/apiKey HTTP/1.1
Host: api3.loopring.io
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: zh,en;q=0.9
X-API-KEY: sra1aavfa
X-API-SIG: dkkfinfasdf
Content-Type: application/json
"accountId" : 1
curl -X POST -H "X-API-KEY:sra1aavfa" -H "X-API-SIG:dkkfinfasdf" -H "Content-Type:application/json" https://api3.loopring.io/api/v3/apiKey -d \
"accountId" : 1
Response fields
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
apiKey | string | Y | ApiKey | "6BJaCehh0z4t a4TW5vwoKyo0 yk5FdXkQxpt8 AStG49aU3dMN C9jid6syyWPE MtTt" |
Response example
"apiKey" : "6BJaCehh0z4ta4TW5vwoKyo0yk5FdXkQxpt8AStG49aU3dMNC9jid6syyWPEMtTt"
Status code
Value | Description |
100000 | Unknown error |
100001 | Invalid argument |
101002 | User not found |
104001 | Empty ApiKey |
104002 | Invalid ApiKey |
104003 | Invalid Account ID |
104004 | No signature information provided |
104005 | Wrong signature information |