Account Notification

Subscribe to this topic to receive notifications about user balance update.


  • Topic name: account ApiKey requred: Yes


This topic has an optional flag: v3, which indicates the response is for v3 which has also include NFT info. if the flag is false or absent, the response is just like before.

Parameter Required Note
accountId N not required as apiKey also link to an account
v3 N If it's a v3 sub which contains NFT info, default is false for compatible with previous sub topic

Notification example

    "topic": {
        "topic:": "account"
    "data": {
        "totalAmount": "24439253519655",
        "tokenId": 2,
        "amountLocked": "0"

Data Model


If v3 is true:

Field Type Required Note
topic JSON Y Topic and parameters
ts integer Y Notification timestamp (milliseconds)
data BalanceV3 Y User's new balances (NFT info included)


Field Type Required Note
topic JSON Y Topic and parameters
ts integer Y Notification timestamp (milliseconds)
data Balance Y User's new balances


Field Type Required Note
accountId integer Y Account ID
tokenId integer Y Token ID
total string Y Total token balance
locked string Y Token balance locked by orders
nftId string N NFT ID if it's NFT token
nftData string N NFT hash data if it's NFT token
tokenAddress string N Nft token address if it's NFT token


Field Type Required Note
accountId integer Y Account ID
tokenId integer Y Token ID
totalAmount string Y Total token balance
amountLocked string Y Token balance locked by orders

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