UpdateAccount with keyseed
The eddsaKey is generated by a keyseed, default format is 'Sign this message to access Loopring Exchange: %s with key nonce: %d', %s is exchange address, %d is nonce in Get api/v3/account.
for example:
Sign this message to access Loopring Exchange: 0x2e76EBd1c7c0C8e7c2B875b6d505a260C525d25e with key nonce: 0
We also support custom keyseed when updateAccount.
for example, you can change the string before 'with key nonce: 0' (must ends with 'with key nonce: %d')
Sign this message to access XXX website with key nonce: 0
1 Update Account with keySeed
POST api: api/v3/account
Note: after updateAccount, the nonce in Get api/v3/account will be incremented by 1
X-API-SIG = 0x05b49f99ac6d8f67d4519dfaf9b545dbc775dcc837441f85ef9aae74c83e5c2d700729cdba1d7a9cc818abb43a598cf1e4eeca547e4e6697ff18c4d2ac111ac21b03
"accountId": 11329,
"ecdsaSignature": "0x05b49f99ac6d8f67d4519dfaf9b545dbc775dcc837441f85ef9aae74c83e5c2d700729cdba1d7a9cc818abb43a598cf1e4eeca547e4e6697ff18c4d2ac111ac21b03",
"exchange": "0x2e76EBd1c7c0C8e7c2B875b6d505a260C525d25e",
"maxFee": {
"volume": "24000000000000",
"tokenId": 0
"nonce": 0,
"owner": "0x8656920c85342d646E5286Cb841F90209272ABeb",
"publicKey": {
"x": "0x20ba7bd404f259c3d49853d6a849425a983c24fc3c01be177f719e84ba776a8c",
"y": "0x266d7e40dba375c90816287814f20b8e187227a6d05f17d2d329fefac9b782af"
"validUntil": 1899273791,
"keySeed":"Sign this message to access Loopring Exchange: 0x2e76EBd1c7c0C8e7c2B875b6d505a260C525d25e with key nonce: 0"
"hash": "0x1d01dd0f4d7846a90235331798f4457829e72d8a4ed8d9393dd29c4859481e7b",
"status": "processing",
"isIdempotent": false
you can also refer to js sdk for updateAccount: https://github.com/Loopring/loopring_sdk/blob/master/src/tests/user.test.ts#L219
2 Get Account
Get API: api/v3/account
"accountId": 11329,
"owner": "0x8656920c85342d646E5286Cb841F90209272ABeb",
"frozen": false,
"publicKey": {
"x": "0x20ba7bd404f259c3d49853d6a849425a983c24fc3c01be177f719e84ba776a8c",
"y": "0x266d7e40dba375c90816287814f20b8e187227a6d05f17d2d329fefac9b782af"
"tags": "",
"nonce": 1,
"keyNonce": 1,
"keySeed": "Sign this message to access Loopring Exchange: 0x2e76EBd1c7c0C8e7c2B875b6d505a260C525d25e with key nonce: 0"
Then use the keySeed to generate eddsaKey.
Your can refer to js sdk for generate eddsa keypair: https://github.com/Loopring/loopring_sdk/blob/master/src/api/sign/sign_tools.ts#L70