Get users NFT balance
Rate limit: 5 every second
API Overview
HTTP method
Get users NFT balance, besides amount, it also includes tokenId and nftData
API description
HTTP Header
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
X-API-KEY | string | Y | ApiKey | "HlkcGxbqBeaF76j4rvPaOasyfPwnkQ 6B6DQ6THZWbvrAGxzEdulXQvOKLrRW ZLnN" |
Request parameters
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
accountId | integer | Y | AccountID | 10001 |
nftDatas | string | N | The Loopring's NFT token data identifier which is a hash string of NFT token address and NFT_ID | "0xf7c9323511 86c3a9053f31 3eefa16209c0 18f7f1dba8aa 8ca7100400f7 c31085,0xc3a 9053f313eef7 c932351ca710 0400f7c186fa 16209c018f7f 1dba8aa83108 5" |
tokenAddrs | string | N | NFT token address | "0xf7c9323511 86c3a9053f31 3eefa16209c0 18f7f1dba8aa 8ca7100400f7 c31085,0xc3a 9053f313eef7 c932351ca710 0400f7c186fa 16209c018f7f 1dba8aa83108 5" |
tokenIds | string | N | The token slot ID in loopring DEX. | "32768,32769, 32770" |
offset | integer | N | Number of records to skip | 12345 |
limit | integer | N | Number of records to return | 20 |
nonZero | boolean | N | Hide 0 balance NFT token, default is true | "20" |
Request example
GET,0xc3a9053f313eef7c932351ca7100400f7c186fa16209c018f7f1dba8aa831085&tokenAddrs=0xf7c932351186c3a9053f313eefa16209c018f7f1dba8aa8ca7100400f7c31085,0xc3a9053f313eef7c932351ca7100400f7c186fa16209c018f7f1dba8aa831085&tokenIds=32768,32769,32770&offset=12345&limit=20&nonZero=20 HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Accept-Language: zh,en;q=0.9
X-API-KEY: sra1aavfa
curl -H "X-API-KEY:sra1aavfa"\?accountId\=10001\&nftDatas\=0xf7c932351186c3a9053f313eefa16209c018f7f1dba8aa8ca7100400f7c31085,0xc3a9053f313eef7c932351ca7100400f7c186fa16209c018f7f1dba8aa831085\&tokenAddrs\=0xf7c932351186c3a9053f313eefa16209c018f7f1dba8aa8ca7100400f7c31085,0xc3a9053f313eef7c932351ca7100400f7c186fa16209c018f7f1dba8aa831085\&tokenIds\=32768,32769,32770\&offset\=12345\&limit\=20\&nonZero\=20
Response fields
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
totalNum | integer | Y | field.totalNum.description | 100 |
data | List[Combined Balance] |
Y | NFT tokens balance info | / |
Response example
"totalNum" : 100,
"data" : [
"accountId" : 10,
"tokenId" : 10,
"nftData" : "100",
"tokenAddress" : "100",
"nftId" : "100",
"total" : "100",
"locked" : "100",
"pending" : {
"withdraw" : "10000000000000",
"deposit" : "10000000000000"
Status code
Value | Description |
100000 | Unknown error |
104001 | Empty ApiKey |
104002 | Invalid ApiKey |
104003 | Invalid Account ID |
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
accountId | integer | Y | field.Balance.accountId | 10 |
tokenId | integer | Y | field.Balance.tokenId | 10 |
nftData | string | N | Users NFT token nftData | "100" |
tokenAddress | string | N | field.NftBalance.tokenAddress | "100" |
nftId | string | N | field.NftBalance.nftId | "100" |
total | string | Y | field.Balance.totalAmount | "100" |
locked | string | Y | field.Balance.frozenAmount | "100" |
pending | Pending Balance |
Y | field.Balance.pending | "{withdraw:0, deposit:0}" |
Users pending balances
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
withdraw | string | Y | Withdrawal pending balance which means the token is in withdrawal state but not arrived L1 | "100000000000 00" |
deposit | string | Y | Deposit pending balance which means the token is in deposit state but not arrived L2 | "100000000000 00" |